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List of all shark attacks in Galapagos Islands

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 7 shark attacks in Galapagos Islands. Out of those, none have thankfully been fatal. 7 attacks came out of the blue while 0 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Santa Fe Island 02-02-2018 Galapagos shark?SnorkelingInjuries to right footNO 45yo Andrew Phipps Newman
Punta Vicente Roca, Isabella Island 19-11-2015 10h15Galapagos sharkSnorkelingLacerations to left calfNO 55yo Graham Hurley
Isla Isabella 09-01-2009 SurfingRight lower leg bitten & defense wounds to handNO 22yo Gonzalo Vásquez Alcívar
Santa Cruz 23-11-2008 Leg bittenNO a Danish tourist
San Cristobal Island 20-12-2007 3 m sharkSurfingLacerations & puncture wounds to left thighNO 24yo Sam Judd
Crewing on the tuna clipper Mary Barbara Bitten by several 1.8 m [6'] sharksWashed overboard into school of fishRight leg & left foot laceratedNO 57yo Theodore C. Swienty
Tuna fishing, standing on stern platform that was submerged by waves4 lacerations on dorsum of right footNO 34yo Carl Dible
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