Fatal Attacks
Unprovoked Attacks
Total Attacks
There have been a total of 4 shark attacks in PERSIAN GULF. Out of those, 1 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 25.00%. 3 attacks came out of the blue while 1 have been provoked by humans.
Non Fatal
Location | Date | Time | Species | Activity | Injury | Fatal | Person |
Bitten after dhow shipwrecked | Abdomen bitten, but she survived. Most of the 40 others that survived the wreck, were taken by sharks | NO | Arab woman | ||||
Khark Island | 06-09-1961 | 10h30 | 1.5 m to 1.8 m [5' to 6'] shark | Free diving, surveying a pipeline & examing cathodes under jetty | 3" cut on sole of foot | NO | I. Padden |
Dubai | 07-04-1961 | Cargo ship Dara sank after collision with another ship during a severe storm | Some of the survivors said to have been bitten by sharks | YES | |||
13-06-1890 | Fell overboard | Severe lacerations to foot | NO | a Frenchman |
Be honest, when was the last time you watched a decent shark movie?