Sharing & QoL improvements
Added scroll to top of the page button
All settings are now easily accessible at the bottom right corner
Improved ad placement
Added a share widget to all major pages
Blog page overhaul
Improved Bull shark data
Released an article on Bull sharks
Shark Utopia gets a new look!
Reworked all of the attack views
Added country, area & species specific search
Improved species view
Reworked movie and game pages
Shark attack data major overhaul
Automated GSAF parsing and reworked database models.
Added attacks by country filtering
Added filtering by shark species
Added filtering by area
Improved sorting by date
Data improvements
Added a correct image for Tasselled Wobbegong, huge props to the marine biology community!
Updated Frilled Shark's description.
Data and style updates
Added shark species to Mako: Jaws of Death & U.S.S. Indianapolis: Men of Courage movies
Added shark species for several video games
Fixed multiple visual bugs
Increased font sizes in a couple of spots
Major shark view updates
Added movies & video games to specific shark species
Added shark species to movies
Added shark species to games
Shark Utopia gets its newsletter!
Added a newsletter signup form
Refactored and improved mobile navigation
Bug Fixes and overall app health update
Fixed Add Game and Edit Game form submissions
Fixed Add Movie and Edit movie form submissions
Removed dead files
Shark movies & video games
Created shark movies page and added 113 movies
Created shark video games page and added 46 games
Created singular pages for all movies and games
PWA & Overall improvements
Shark Utopia becomes a Progressive Web App!
Added a favicon
Unified links
Started collecting data about shark video games
Increased the size of mobile navigation
Attack explorer UI improvements
Further improve attack view responsivness
Linked website with search engines
Fixed mobile padding on Attacks By Country view
Updated changelog & roadmap
Attack explorer UI improvements
Fix up attack view responsiveness
Add names to attacks by area
Attack explorer UI improvements
Added pagination to species view
Add names to attacks by area
Attack explorer UI & data improvements
Added real pagination to attacks by area
New navbar
Fixed up area names
Code and UI improvements
Refactored attack tables code
Categorized attacks by Country, Area & Species
Added pagination to shark attack explorer
Shark attack explorer improvements
Aggregated attack data for Great Whites
Aggregated attack data for Tigers
Aggregated attack data for Bulls
Aggregated attack data for Makos
Added attack viewer to Shark view
Added attack summary to Shark view
Shark Attack explorer
Added attacks by area
Added attacks by country
Created views for specific areas & countries
Shark Attack explorer data collection
Linked database with Global Shark Attack file
Grouped attacks by area & countries
Aggregated fatal & provoked attack counts
Adding new shark data & UI improvements
Added Tasselled Wobbegong
Added Port Jackson shark
Added loaders to `Add a shark` & `Add data` forms
Added Settings page
Metric/Imperial converter, UI improvements & QOL updates
Added Metric/Imperial converter
Shark Utopia gets an awesome logo, thanks Tg Games!
Fix home page background image issues
Fixed Porbeagle shark weight
Added roadmap and changelog pages to mobile nav
Adding new shark data & UI improvements
Added Cookiecutter shark
Added Greenland shark
Updated Goblin shark
Displayed weight & length correctly on Search and Shark pages
Fixed filtering by weight issues
Fixed description issues
UI and data contribution improvements
Various UI updates
Added contributors section to Add Data modal
Created Add species modal
Handled empty values on shark view
Platform improvements
Shark Utopia gets it's own custom backend!
Fixed mobile filter issues
Improved shark sorting and filtering
Platform launched on
Connected with Fishbase API
Created Shark view
Created species explorer
First line of code written!