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List of all shark attacks in australia

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 1374 shark attacks in AUSTRALIA. Out of those, 286 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 20.82%. 960 attacks came out of the blue while 414 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Magnetic Island 30-10-2017 Cookiecutter sharkSnorkelingCalf injuredNO 7yo Jack Tolley
Birubi Point 27-10-2017 09h00Wobbegong shark, 1 mSurfingMinor injury to footNO 31yo male
Normanville 21-10-2017 AfternoonWhite shark, 4.5 mKayaking / FishingMinor injuriesNO 15yo Sarah Williams
Gracetown 24-09-2017 18h00White shark, 3.5 mSurfingNo injury, board damaged by sharkNO Catherine Vissers
Iluka Beach 09-09-2017 06h00White shark, 3 to 3.5mSurfingMinor lacerations to right hipNO 35yo Abe McGrath
Sam's Creek area 09-09-2017 15h00SwimmingMinor injuriesNO male
Esperance 31-08-2017 White shark, 3.5mFishingsharks rammed boats, no injury to occupantsNO
Cathedral Rock 28-08-2017 10h30White shark, 3 mSurfingNo injury, board bittenNO 37yo Marcel Brundler
Floreat Beach 13-07-2017 11h45SurfingMinor injury, grazed by sharkNO male
Point Casuarina, Bunbury 10-06-2017 08h30White shark, 4 mBody boardingNo injury, board bittenNO 48yo Paul Goff
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