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List of all shark attacks in brazil

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 113 shark attacks in BRAZIL. Out of those, 38 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 33.63%. 93 attacks came out of the blue while 20 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Body recovered at Goiana 09-07-2006 Bull or tiger sharkFATALYES Unidentified
Punta Del Chifre Beach, Olinda 17-06-2006 09h00Body boardingLeft thigh bitten FATALYES 27yo Humberto Pessoa Batista
Boa Viagem Beach, Recife 20-05-2006 11h30SurfingInjuries to left thigh, calf & footNO 33yo Rogério Antônio de Carvalho
Piedade 08-04-2006 AfternoonTiger sharkSwimmingLeft leg bittenNO 35yo José Ivair Pereira
Ilhéus 03-02-2005 SurfingRight thigh & ankle injuredNO 12yo Antonio de Carvalho Miguel Pereira
Pina, Recife 07-09-2004 SwimmingFATALYES Unidentified
Boa Viagem Beach, Recife 20-08-2004 13h00Tiger shark, 1.5 mBathingCalf bitten & both hands injuredNO 24yo Wagner da Silva
Piedade Beach 22-05-2004 14h30Bull sharkSwimmingLeft hand, foot severed & left calf & arm bittenNO 17yo Walmir Pereira da Silva
Piedade Beach, Recife 21-05-2004 16h00WadingHips & thighs bittenNO 24yo Naiane Barbosa Bringel
Piedade 30-04-2004 AfternoonSwimmingFATALYES 22yo Orlando Oscar da Silva
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