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List of all shark attacks in jamaica

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 27 shark attacks in JAMAICA. Out of those, 14 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 51.85%. 21 attacks came out of the blue while 6 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Port Royal 26-06-2013 Shark involvement prior to death not confirmedProbable drowning with post-mortem bitesNO 20yo Kevin
Pillikin Red Light area 11-03-2013 09h00Tiger shark, 4.8 mSpearfishingFATALYES 68yo George Facey
Pedro Cays 31-01-2013 Knee bittenNO 18yo male
Priestman's River area, East Portland 24-04-1980 SpearfishingHand bitten by speared shark PROVOKED INCIDENTNO Venus Goulbourne
Bogue (near Falmouth) 07h30Seine nettingLeft knee, calf & heel bitten by shark trapped in the net PROVOKED INCIDENTNO Albert Buchanan
East Beach, Kingsston 12h00Diving off wharfFATALYES Teenyo Wilbert Gibbs
Kingston Harbor FishingSurvivedNO
Kingston Harbor 2.7 m [9'] shark later captured by Mitchell-HedgesStandingFATAL, right leg severed at thighYES 14yo Adeline Lopez
Savanna-la-Mar Jumped overboardFATALYES sailor
Savanna-la-Mar 10h006' sharkSwimmingFATAL, arm severed, thigh severely bittenYES 19yo Sausse Leon
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