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List of all shark attacks in venezuela

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 11 shark attacks in VENEZUELA. Out of those, 5 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 45.45%. 11 attacks came out of the blue while 0 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Punta Caracas 24-03-2005 17h30SurfingRight leg bittenNO Jokin Leizaola
Santa Cruz Beach, Mochima National Park, 250 km from Caracas 20-01-2004 11h00Bull shark, 132-kg [291-lb]SpearfishingRight leg bittenNO 40yo Alside Raphael Morales Gonzalez
Playa Colorada Beach, Mochima National Park, only 200 m west of Santa Cruz Beach 20-01-2004 14h30Bull shark, 1.65 m [5'5"] was speared & killedSwimmingLower back & hand bittenNO Stefan Moeller
El Yaqu, Isla de Margarita 10-04-2003 --Mako shark, 3 m [10']SurfingRight foot bitten, left leg severedNO 28yo Yann Perras
31-01-1995 Wind surfingRight ankle & foot bittenNO Justin James
04-04-1971 FATAL, body not recoveredYES 14yo Alberto Mayora
04-04-1971 FATAL, body not recoveredYES 66yo Tarcisio Mayora
El Falito, near Puerto Cabello BathingFATAL.YES male
said to involve 2.5 m hammerhead sharksSpearfishingFATAL (x3), one survived with minor injuriesYES 4 French divers
Margarita Island Fell into water while attempting to boat a swordfishLeft arm bittenNO Roland Gerbeau
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