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List of all shark attacks in bahamas

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 115 shark attacks in BAHAMAS. Out of those, 11 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 9.57%. 89 attacks came out of the blue while 26 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Freeport 03-08-2001 10h20SwimmingLeg bitten, later surgically amputated above the kneeNO 36yo Krishna Thompson
Grand Cay 04-08-1999 17h002.7 m [9'] bull shark or Caribbean reef sharkSpearfishing & holding catchRight arm bittenNO 35yo Kevin King
Ambergris Cay 14-08-1998 16h30Caribbean reef shark, 1.2 m to 1.5 m [4' to 5']SpearfishingCalf bittenNO 28yo Kevin Paffrath
Powell Cay 25-05-1997 Possibly a Caribbean reef sharkSpearfishingRight arm bittenNO 54yo Wilber Wood
Walkers Cay 16-05-1997 MorningSpearfishingLeg bittenNO Robert Gunn
03-07-1996 DivingLeft leg laceratedNO 24yo Michael Beach
Freeport 23-06-1994 15h301.8 m [6'] sharkSpearfishingForearm severely bittenNO 30yo Alton Curtis
Rum Cay 05-04-1994 10h302' to 3' sharkWadingLower right leg bittenNO 20?yo Scott Curatolo-Wagemann
Matinella Reef, 15 to 20 miles west of Walkers Cay 20-08-1993 17h151.8 m [6'] blacktip shark or Caribbean reef sharkSpearfishingLeg bittenNO 51yo William Barnes
Double Breasted Cays 28-08-1992 1.8 m [6'] blacktip sharkSnorkeling, carrying a speared fish in her handLeft hand bittenNO 34yo Valerie Fortunato
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