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List of all shark attacks in new-zealand

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 135 shark attacks in NEW ZEALAND. Out of those, 24 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 17.78%. 86 attacks came out of the blue while 49 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Oreti Beach 31-01-2010 18h301.5 m sharkBoogie BoardingStepped on shark PROVOKED INCIDENTNO 14yo Lydia Ward
Clark Island 15-12-2009 White shark, 2.8 to 3 mSwimming to shore from capsized kayakFATALYES 24yo Maurice Bede Philips
Taranaki 28-02-2009 FishingNo injury to occupants, shark bit propellerNO boat, occupants: Boyd Rutherford & Hamish Roper
Alderman Islands 23-01-2009 19h00FishingNo injury to occupant, shark removed small auxiliary outboard motorNO 7.2 m boat. Occupant Kelvin Travers
Karitane Beach 15-01-2009 SurfingNo injury, bumped off board by the sharkNO Tane Tokona
Hawkes Bay 09-01-2009 Mako shark, 3mFishingNo injury to occupants, shark hit boat & bit outboard motorNO Bry & David Mossman & 2 friends
Haumoana 05-01-2009 17h30Broadnose sevengill sharkSwimmingPosterior thigh bittenNO 49yo Greg Sims
Maraetai 13-12-2008 Bronze whaler shark?FishingLacerations to left calf and ankleNO Ken Lindberg
Marfells Beach 18-01-2008 No shark involvementWadingStingray envenomation, not a sharkNO Matthew O'Neill
Omaha Beach 13-01-2008 14h00Bronze whaler shark, 4mAttempting to chase shark out to seaNo injury to occupants, pontoon puncturedNO inflatable rescue boat. Occupants: Lauren Johnson &. Kris O'Neill
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